It's hard enough keeping animals and pests from coming into the home, but even if they aren't running through our living room, they can often wreck havoc on the exterior. When an animal invades the outside of our home, it can cause extensive damage, noise, and become a major inconvenience.
Instead of letting the animal kingdom take over your home, there are four ways to prevent animals from coming around the house. This is about prevention instead of taking drastic measures when the problem has gotten out of control.
Animal Sanctuaries
For many animals, your home may be the only place in the nearby area to call their dwelling. By providing areas away from your home, you can deter the animals naturally and still enjoy mother nature at the same time. A variety of products can be used in your yard for animals and critters. It's a good idea to place them as far back as possible.
- Bird Baths & Ponds: A bird bath does not just supply an area for the winged creatures. Squirrels, mice, and other small critters will also use the bird bath for a fresh supply of water. A small pond can offer natural water areas for when it rains.
- Animal Feeders: Instead of looking through trash bins or barbecue areas, a small animal feeder can supply critters with food while protecting your home at the same time. A variety of wild animal food can be purchased at low costs and help keep animals fed all year long.
- Animal Dwellings: Bird houses and tree dwellings can give animals a place to nest and live. It will prevent them from climbing on your roof, chimney, or small places near the foundation of your home.
Weed Trimming
Keeping control of the plants around your home will also help keep control of the animals that could invade it. When weeds or ivy grows up the side of your home, it creates a natural climbing and perching area for birds and squirrels. Keeping everything trimmed and as low to the ground as possible will help keep the animals off your home.
It's also a good idea to be on the lookout for any hanging weeds or branches in close proximity to the home. This provides a bridge-like access for the animals so they can easily climb to your roof. If needed, a professional can come to remove the invasive plants from your home.
Soffit and Fascia Repair
Two areas on the roof of your home are specifically appealing for small animals. The soffit is the wooden overhang that appears on many roofs. A fascia is the front board trim that helps blend the edge of the roof with the siding. If there is any rot, decay, or broken pieces, animals are naturally attracted to the areas. Even the smallest crack or opening can provide a dwelling for a small bird or mouse.
The first step in this case is a soffit and fascia inspection. Professionals can examine the current condition and any moldy areas. If repairs are needed, a more secure soffit or fascia can be installed. Not only will this add to the curb appeal of the home, but it will keep animals away by limiting locations that they can live in.
Gutter Protection
Another place animals love to live in are the gutters of your home. There are multiple ways to help prevent animals from living and destroying the gutters.
- Mesh Wiring: Install mesh wiring on both the top openings and drop out points of the gutters. This allows water to drain easily while keeping the animals out.
- Predatory Urine: Placing predatory urine around the gutters can help deter animals from climbing inside. Farm supply and hunting stores usually sell bottles of fake and real urine scents for animals like buck and deer. It can be placed around the home to help deter the smaller animals.
- Gutter Repairs: Clean out and repair any broken gutter pieces. Areas with lots of leaves are very welcoming to bird nests and other small creatures.
Work with housing professionals to get a majority of this work done. By using prevention options, you can avoid harmful things like pesticides or traps.