Your electronics are probably some of the most expensive items in your home. Just like furniture or art, electronics can be easily damaged if you do not make some effort to take care of them. Use these tips to ensure that you are not constantly replacing burned out electronics.
Surge Protectors Are a Must
The simplest thing you can do to protect your equipment is to invest in surge protectors. Every time there is an electrical storm or power outage a surge of electricity can run down your wires. The delicate systems in consumer electronics are not designed to handle this extra power, and results can be unpredictable.
You can find them at pretty much any store that sells electronics. For only a few dollars, you can save a device that cost you hundreds or even thousands. For larger devices, ensure that the surge protector you use can protect the devices you are plugging into it. TV's and computers have the biggest power draw, and plugging multiple large items might go over that limit. The back of the TV should list the wattage, and you can check with the manufacturer to get the wattage of your computer.
If you have a lot of TV's or other large devices, and you don't like having cords everywhere, there is another option. While they are used primarily in commercial spaces, you can have a surge protector installed at the root of your home's electrical system. These systems are pricy and must be installed by a qualified electrician, but it does mean that you can simply plug your electronics directly into the wall without fear.
Ensure Large Devices Have Clean Power
There is an additional step you can take for your computers and other electronics that are on all the time. Instead of simply purchasing a surge protector, upgrade your strip to a UPS with a battery backup. You might balk initially at the price tag, but they can extend the life of your computer quite a bit. While a surge protector only helps when too much power comes down the line, a UPS works to ensure that the power remains consistent all the time, including during brown-outs and outages. These events are particularly difficult on computers, where a sudden shutdown can damage the software as well as the hardware.
Have Your Home's Electrical System Tested
Of course, if your home's electrical system isn't up to snuff, all the protection in the world won't do you any good. Because it isn't as obvious as say, a leaking pipe, most people live oblivious to the electrical problems lurking in their walls. The problem is, electrical issues don't just threaten the health of your electronics, they can also pose a fire risk.
Any time you move into a new home or apartment you should test the electrical work. In an apartment, a small tester can be plugged into the outlets to ensure that basics like ground wires are connected and the power is clean. In homes, you have additional responsibility as an owner. Having an electrician come in and look at your system is a good way to ensure that there are no time bombs lurking within your walls. Even if you have lived in your home for awhile, it may be worth having an inspection every few years as standards continue to increase. Click here to continue reading more about how an electrician can ensure that your electronics function safely.
As you can see, a few basic steps are all that is needed to ensure that your electronics are as safe as they can be. While it will require an upfront investment, that investment will be repaid the first time a power surge is stopped before it can ruin your large electronic items.